Internshala UX Case Study: Re-Designing existing flows

krishna patil
5 min readJun 29, 2021


This is a personal project. My intention was to apply my knowledge to make a product better.


Internshala is an internship and online training platform,which helps students or freshers with internship resources and career services. It provides an effortless path to this process in which students can find endless opportunities at once without pushing any limits or pulling strings in the physical world as traditionally has been going on.

This platform has indeed filled a huge gap between the students and a great start to their career with boosting their morale and keeping them well motivated with decent stipend offered at this stage.

User Story

Lately I have been in search of an internship. Since then I am a regular user of Internshala and through this journey I came across few ideas to make it a better platform experience wise, as I was facing difficulties at times in flexibility with options to switch from one page to another .after this I spoke to few other friends of mine who have been regular users as well and after having a discussion with them on this same topic I came up with idea of redesigning these few pages which can create some major impact with just minor changes .

I have Redesigned a few pages for an internshala application, which drives its users to take an uncomplicated approach towards finding internships . The tool I used for preparing these wireframes along with the final Design is Figma.

To begin with, I have considered some basic features in the application.

Rest of the article contains the Redesigning for the below pages for Internshala Application

1. Homepage for Regular User

2. Homepage for New User

3. My Application Page

4. Changes in Hamburger Menu

The Challenge

So as to begin with the issues I came across in the process of exploring and using this app majorly was flexibility and easy going flow which involves following:-

1.Home Page for Regular User

As soon as user opens the app firsts lands on my application page, which leaves with very little scope to search new opportunities from the same screen.

Existing Internshala Homepage and issues related to it .

Proposed Solution

There’s a need for separate homepage and application page

Hence I Changed the first page into Homepage where a user gets overall flexibility to move to applications along with new updates to check as well search for new opportunities to apply.

Redesigned Homepage for Regular User

Adding Recent searches helps for better results as well helps recommendations to be more accurate as per the preferences added at the time of application .

This compact My application component on homepage has now enough navigational priority along with searching for more opportunities at the same time with the search bar added .

2.Homepage for new User

Redesigned page for New User has been added with few important feature as flexibility to add preference with filters at the same time of searching for new jobs, as well header gives option to save the jobs which user would want to apply later.

Redesigned HomePage for New User

3.My Application Page

Created a new my application page with adding few new features brings in much better clarity on new updates and follow ups .

Redesigned My Application page for Internshala

Old and New Design for My application Compared in the screen below:-

(left) Old design Vs New design (Right)

Priority to Recent Updates

User gets thorough bifurcation as per recent message from the employer or any further update and then is followed by all application from recent to older

How many place have I applied?

The count of over all applications is mentioned in the card given on the previous screen as well the header of this application screen.

Better Priority to search bar

As well the search option added on header gives more flexibility to move and find other jobs easily

Easy navigation to individual company messages

Most important user can directly go to the message box of particular company with the view message option as well see details by tapping on card.In earlier design The cards sharing details of internships and updates do not leave user to go easily into the message box of the same company ,it’s a bit complex process which can be missed out easily .

Changes in Hamburger Menu

The reporting reminder at the beginning of the screen is distracting. It is important though but not necessary at the top so moved it to the meatball menu on header as well in hamburger menu at bottom .

Added report reminder here from Earlier Home screen


In depth analysis of the design decisions is really vital to make sure you’re fulfilling the users need through empathy.

In process I got to learn that small changes in design can make a huge impact on the whole user experience .

By now I have a much better understanding on the topic I chose, Although the proposed design solution might not be the ultimate one, Yet I’ve tried to give my best to create one different experiential journey for the target users.

Redesigned Screens for Internshala

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this case study or have any feedback, I’d love to hear from you.

